Gregarious, passionate, eloquent…
If you’re looking for someone who can work the room and connect with every single person in the audience to host your next event, chair your next literary or arts panel, launch your next book, raise funds for your charitable organisation or to deliver an inspiring, funny, and entertaining speech after dinner, get in touch with my agent, Jane Novak to arrange dates and rates by clicking on her name or going to Get in Touch.
There’s no audience too big and no event too small. I love meeting people and sharing their stories, and I’d love to share yours too. Here are some events I’ve hosted…
The Golden Maze with Richard Fidler – LIVE
Roaring Stories Author Event at Royal Oak Hotel Balmain, 25 August 2020

He’s one of Australia’s best loved conversationalists, and one of the world’s most beautiful and storied cities is one of his biggest passions. Following on from the successes of his bestselling books Ghost Empire and Sagaland, Richard Fidler took us on a tour of the Golden Maze that is Prague in a book that’s been 30 years in the imagining and writing.
Inaugural SSI Mosaic Fundraising Gala
Ivy Ballroom, Sydney NSW, 15 September 2017
I hosted the inaugural fundraising gala for Settlement Services International, one of Australia’s largest community-based, not-for-profit humanitarian organisation providing a range of services, including refugee and migrant settlement in NSW, providing services to over 14,000 refugees, humanitarian entrants and asylum seekers with the lovely Magda Szubanski.
We raised over double projected funds aimed for, a fantastic result!

Thank YOU for being our MC extraordinaire! You were instrumental in holding everything together as we handed the night into your trusted hands, and you did so seamlessly with utter class, charm, humour and emotion. Thanks to your amazing prowess in motivating people to give — guests dug deep and gave over double the projected funds from raffle tickets, donations and the silent auction! It was such a pleasure working with you, and we truly appreciate all of your support, advice, encouragement and enthusiasm. Thank you so much again! — Naushin Rahman, SSI Partnerships and Fundraising Manager
Jaipur Literature Festival at the Melbourne Writers Festival
Federation Square Melbourne, 11-12 February 2017
I hosted the opening gala, where I answered the question about where I’m “really” from, which ended up going viral with over 14, 000 views online.